
Energy Engineering seeks to train professionals committed to the development and transformation of society through solid training in the scientific and technological field. With the capacity to design, develop and manage projects or programs related to efficient and environmentally sustainable energy systems in compliance with regulations and standards, for the improvement of the national energy matrix and energy savings in industrial, commercial, residential or transportation operations.

What you will learn

This program consists of 45 courses, distributed in a total of five years plus six months for a final graduation project; the courses are categorized as follows:

1. Science and Mathematics

Includes the scientific training necessary to understand the principles and fundamentals of engineering.

2. Basic engineering sciences

made up of courses that connect science and mathematics with applied engineering and that serve to understand the technologies used in energy engineering.

3. Social Outreach and Humanism

Students have 5 elective courses on this area, choosing among several topics such as environmental studies, climate change, ecology, ethics, sociology, writing, philosophy, and many more.

4. Technical electives

 As a complement to the areas of knowledge, there are the subjects that have the objective of expanding the knowledge of the students in the different areas of the field of Energy Engineering. It should be noted that these subjects are conceived under the concept of “academic flexibility”, understanding that these subjects will be included within a bag of electives that can provide contributions to solutions to the country’s energy problems.

5. Applied engineering

It includes the application of basic engineering sciences to project and design energy engineering systems, components or procedures.

Electricity area

Electrical systems such as generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy are studied.

Thermal area

  Thermal systems in industry such as cold production, steam, compressed air, pumps and fans are studied. Also, the ability to direct design processes focused on the life cycle of the product or building.

Energy markets

 The operation and regulation associated with the National and Regional Electricity Market will be analyzed.

Legislation of the energy sector

National and regional legislation regarding the energy sector is studied, including regulations applicable to projects.

Management and evaluation of projects

The formulation and stages of the project are studied considering market, technical, administrative and financial aspects.


Our Labs

Practice in our courses is of utmost importance, which is why we have hardware and software equipment that allows students to complement the theoretical knowledge acquired in lectures. 

    • Linear electrical systems
    • Thermodynamics
    • Hydraulic pumps
    •  Heat transfer
    • Electrical machines
    • Power systems
    • Industrial electrical installations
    • Air conditioning and refrigeration
    • Pneumatics
    • Renewable energies


This program has been designed for full time students. 

From the first to the fourth year the schedule are daytime, however, the fifth year, the classes are programming early at the morning (7:00 to 8:40) and late at the afternoon (17:30 to 20:10). This allows final year students to do internships or get their first job.

Contact us

More information
Eng. Carlos Mario Flores
Director of Energy Engineering
2210-6600, ext. 320 •