Jon de Cortina
First Floor: Department of Structural Mechanics
On the first floor are located the offices of the professors of the Department of Structural Mechanics and also the laboratories related to Civil Engineering.
Second Floor: Department of Electronics and Computer Sciences
On the second floor, are located the offices of the professors of the Department of Electronics and Computer Science, as well as the laboratories related to computer system engineering and electrical engineering.
Data Structures Programming Laboratory
Specialized laboratory for the development of logical thinking, necessary to learn to program by implementing some fundamental structures and techniques for managing dynamic memory. The objective to know and implement data structures through the development of computer programs that solve problems in the real environment.
Virtual Instrumentation Laboratory
Laboratory prepared with virtual measurement instrumentation equipment, using interfaces such as LabView for signal processing or measurement of variables in circuits. The implementation of development platforms such as Matlab, Octave and Python, for the application of solutions to electrical system problems.
Electromagnetism and Telecommunications Laboratory
This laboratory introduces the study of magnetic fields, lines of flux and the effects of electromagnetic induction. Also, acquire basic knowledge of telecommunications, using spectrum analyzers and digital data communication, including basic fiber optic systems.
Digital Processing of Acoustic Signals and Images Laboratory
This laboratory is able to carry out applications for the analysis of acoustic signals and images, capable of processing filters on these digital signals, which allows analysis of frequency weighting filters and analysis of time and frequency domains.
Third Floor: Department of Process Engineering and Enviromental Sciences
On the third floor, there are the offices of the professors of the Department of Process Engineering and Environmental Sciences and the Chemical Engineering laboratories
Environmental Quality Laboratory
It is equipped to carry out chromatographic analyses, mainly gas and liquid chromatography techniques. They also have equipment for the separation and purification of chemical substances. In this laboratory, directed laboratory practices are carried out for the development of research projects.