Industrial Engineering consists of designing, managing and improving production and service systems. The philosophy of the career is that “there is always a better way of doing things”, and the goal of the industrial engineer is to find that best way to do things in all the areas in which he works, facilitating the generation of quality products (whether goods or services) and optimizing the use of inputs and resources from a systemic approach of organizations.
The curriculum consists of a total of 45 subjects, designed to be completed over 5 academic cycles. In addition to the standard course duration, students should account for an aditional six-months graduation process.
Basic sciences and mathematics
Basic engineering
Humanistic and Social
Industrial Engineering Specialty Areas
Technical electives
Graduate Profile
Facilities At Your Disposal

- Industrial Productivity Laboratory I & II.
- Chemistry and Physics Laboratories
- Materials Mechanics Laboratory
- Manufacturing Engineering and Industrial Design Laboratory
- Materials Science and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
In the first 3 years classes have been scheduled for the morning and afternoon. In the fourth year classes have been scheduled mainly in the afternoon. In fifth grade, classes have been scheduled early in the morning or evening.
Contact us
Eng. Ana del Pilar Letona
Director of Industrial Engineering
2210-6600, ext. 649 •